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I like the smooth movement, the lighting, and all of the sound effects. Only thing is I think some ambiance music could really help out on this one. Like a creepy tone that gets louder the closer you get to the lurking monster. Anything to make it a little easier because that dude has just murdered me without a second of hesitation 3 times in a row. Great game though!

I lost interest too early

Sorry to hear that! I tried my best to make the game as polished as possible in the time given, I’d love to hear any ways you think I could improve the game!

I didnt know what to do

I included as much information as I could in the 'About' section of the main menu, I couldn't find a fitting way to cram all the information into the game without writing a full dialogue system for little usage, thanks for the feedback though!

Is there a way to escape the monster? Or is it a guaranteed death?

The idea is that the warning indicators give you enough time to outrun it if you sprint away fast enough, I have managed to do so a fair amount of time but it's quite imbalanced as I didn't have time to fix it sadly, there is a large chance you die when it sees you but I guess the positive of that is you feel very big brain when you avoid it lol, also I was meant to mention in the how to play that the monster cannot roam rooms (although he can enter them) making them the perfect hiding places from him.